Good morning, my dears! It is lovely to see you here this morning. As some of you probably know, Wednesdays just happen to be one of my favorite days of the week. No, it isn't because it's "hump day." It is because it is one of my favorite blog post days. Who doesn't like to be able to say snaky things without any repercussions? If any of you are raising your hands, go ahead and put them down because you wouldn't have shown up here if you didn't love it. I also share some pretty self-depricating material as well, so I guess that makes it alright. For example, yesterday I spent the entire day in my office wearing a white v-neck and leggings as pants. That's right; I committed one of the season's biggest faux pas. I'm not ashamed. I happened to be extremely comfortable. Considering this whole business venture has temporarily turned me into a hermit, I will wear any darn thing I choose. Who knew starting your own business would be time consuming?
So, for today's post I have found a very inspiring source. Have you ever seen something god awful in a store and thought, "Who buys this stuff?" Well, I have thought that MANY times. Let me fill you in on a little secret. The first market trip I ever made I finally discovered all of the people who were actually buying this stuff. You see, market isn't just for the fashion, no, no. It is also for the buyers and owners of the stores that sell the "Who buys this stuff?" stuff. Yep. It's true. All of the ugly stuff on the planet has to come from somewhere...right? Every day I receive an email or two telling me about some horrible piece from some terrible line. It's never ending. So, my friends, these emails are the inspiration for this week's Wednesday post, and boy, oh boy, have I found some beauties for you today. I hope it makes you happy, because receiving emails with ugly products all week long does not make me happy. Let's take a peek at what people have been trying to sell me this week, shall we?
These must be pants for people that need lots of extra crotch space. LOTS.
Since faux fur is so in this fall, these are for those clients of mine whose calves get extra cold. I believe the phrase they used in the email was "boot covers." WOW.
If you know me in the slightest, you know I love a good romper. However, on the other hand, a bad romper is just...well...bad. They leave nothing to the imagination, do they? I think this could be considered slightly offensive.
When I received this I thought, "Goodness! This looks just like something one of my clients would wear! Who doesn't want a red beaded, fringed cap?!"
No. No, that didn't happen.
I'm am all about the fur movement this year, however these vests should come with a disclaimer:
No english sheepdogs were harmed during the making of these vests.
Ok, I am not a fan of red and black anyways, but what is this? I don't think they could decide what kind of top they wanted this to be. Half button down and half bustier? The color, the ruffles, the's all just wrong. Just plain wrong.
Yes, people actually design and sell these atrocities. The world is a strange place, my friends. Chew on this for a minute....this doesn't even make a dent in the emails that I receive. Do not fret, these email solicitations will be making an appearance again.
Besides being able to poke fun at unsuspecting individuals, I also get to give away free stuff on Wednesdays!
The winner of the
Joanna Sain
Thanks for listening to my utter nonsense today. I very much appreciate it. Considering I will be locked in my office for the next two days straight, blogging makes me feel slightly connected to the outside world.
Until we meet again, my lovelies...
Wishing you light, love, and an inoffensive Wednesday.