E. Leigh's E. Leigh's E. Leigh's E. Leigh's E. Leigh's

Monday, October 17, 2011

LA Lady...but I'm not a seamstress for the band.

Today I am leaving my cozy apartment that's right here....

and am heading here...

Well, specifically here...
the California Market Center.  That's right! You guessed it!  It's market week!  

You gals know how much I LOVE market week, and this is my first time to LA's fashion district.  I'll be sure to keep you posted on all the fabulous loot I am sure to find.  I will also be sharing some very exciting news with everyone next week, however I'm not sharing until I am 1000% sure it pans out. 

Besides working this week, I am also extremely excited about getting to visit with one of my very best friends in the entire world who happens to live in So. Cali.  We've been friends since we looked like this...

She's gorgeous, funny, smart, quirky, outgoing, and has the tendency to always show up exactly when you need her.  She's the kind of life long friend everyone desperately needs in their life, but only a few are lucky enough to have.  So, I will be having some friend time as well this market trip. 

While I'm gone, I hope you all have the loveliest of lovely week, and be sure to let me know if you're dying for anything in particular....
Watch? Blazer? Denim Shirt? Satchel?

Until we meet again, my dears...
Wishing you light, love, and nothing less than pure loveliness. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

And the winners are....

Lately, my life has been pretty crazy, and honestly, it is only getting crazier by the day.  The sad thing about this is that I absolutely love it.  I love getting to do what I do every day.  I go to sleep thinking about my work and I wake up thinking about my work because I am that crazy about my job.    I am not under any disillusion regarding the fact that the only reason I get to do what I do is because of all of you lovely ladies out there who are keeping me going, so for that I owe you a huge "Thank you!"

Because it's my birthday week, and I'm feeling pretty snazzy... AND because I just absolutely, positively LOVE giving away stuff to you pretties, I am giving away not 1, not 2, but 3 products this week!

Let's get to the winners, shall we?

The winner of the $20 E.Leigh's Gift Certificate is...
Donna Robinson!

The winner of this E.Leigh's Necklace is...

Kaley Wren!

The winner of the choice of one of these handcrafted infiniti scarves is...

Nichole McGeorge!

Congrats, Ladies, and thanks to all who entered and show up here every week!

Now, if only I could find my perfect birthday outfit. ;)

Until we meet again...
Wishing you light, love, and a joy-filled weekend.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fast forwarding through this Tuesday

Hello, my lovelies! As I sit here at my desk trying to get everything squared away before all my crazy work traveling begins next week, I can't help but begin to look through all the spring look books I am getting.  It's amazing how in this job you are over a season before it even begins. I couldn't help but share with you a few pics from some of the linesheets and lookbooks I am getting from vendors. Isn't it fun to see what you will see in stores months ahead of time? It always makes me feel like I'm part of some special club that knows a little bit more than everyone else. I hope that me sharing these with you, makes you feel like that as well... enjoy!

Ok, I am completely obsessed with this authentic printed python clutch from OrYANY.  They always have such beautiful bags, but this one is a show-stopper, my friends.

I am very impressed with Line and Dot's color filled Spring/Summer 2012 collection.  It's just so fun!

These are a few pics from an emerging jewelry designer, M. Elizabeth. She only uses authentic stones and does everything by hand.  I am definitely going to have to splurge and pic up a few of her pieces!  I just love her use of color and shape.  

Isn't it all beautiful?  I would be interested to hear what you guys think I should pick up for Spring. Please let me know, because I always enjoy your input!

**Don't forget to sign up for this week's BIG Giveaway!  If you missed it you can find it HERE!  Just because you guys are fabulous...I'm giving away 3 items! You have until Thursday night at midnight (CST) to enter to win!

Until we meet again...
Wishing you light, love, and lots of happiness on this Tuesday.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The "I'm getting old" Giveaway...

Well, my birthday is this coming Sunday, and it's official. I'm getting old.  I've always been one of those people who every birthday says, "Geez, I'm getting so old." in hopes of someone saying, "Oh, you're not old!  You have so much life left to live!"  Well, you know you're officially getting old when you pull your same old fishing tactics and you no longer get that response.

For example...this weekend I made the trek to Fayetteville to cheer on the Hogs in their victory (or shall I say "crushing victory") against Auburn. ( I apologize to any Tiger fans out there.)  Of course, after our big win, my friends and I decide to go out to a bar after the game to celebrate.  This is where my attitude about my birthday abruptly changed.  My friend Jen and I pop in to the ladies' room and there we encounter the two most annoying college girls on the planet.  No joke.  Usually I enjoy chatting it up with current college girls and reminiscing about my college days, but these girls were absolutely atrocious.  After listening to them talk for about 15 minutes about how "old" they are getting I decide to interject that if they think they're old now at 21, then wait until you're on the verge of your late 20's.  I swear, when I told them this, it was like I told them I was terminally ill with cancer, or my dog just died. I believe their exact response was, "Oh my god.  That is so sad.  You don't look a day over 21, I swear." 

I don't think that I realized that turning 27 was such a tragic event until Saturday evening.  Wow.  I guess I should be preparing all week for this.  Maybe we should call in the National Guard or something?  I'll get on the phone with my attorney after this and have him send over my last will and testament for review.  Geez.  I have a lot of living to do before this Sunday.

I feel that this card really captures the spirit of my birthday this year...

Ok, enough about my birthday shenanigans.  It's time to get on with the birthday week giveaway.  In honor of my day of birth, I will be giving away 3 separate items!  That's right 3!

Giveaway Item #1:

A $20 E.Leigh's Gift Certificate

Giveaway Item #2:

This Kenze Panne necklace, which is available here at E.Leigh's...

Giveaway Item #3:

You will receive your choice of one of these lovely handcrafted scarves!

Now, aren't birthdays fun?!! 

Like I stated earlier, there will be 3 winners this week and the giveaway will last through Thursday at Midnight (Central Standard Time)!

Make sure to read how to enter to win, because we have changed the rules of the game this week.

For every one of these things that you do, your name goes in the hat.  This means that you can enter more than once! 

Here's how to get your name in the drawing:

Option 1:

"Like" E.Leigh's on Facebook and then share the E.Leigh's Facebook link with your friends and tell them about this fun giveaway! 
 Here's how you do it:
On the E.Leigh's Facebook Wall, click "share" under the post that looks like this:

After doing this, you will be entered once in the drawing.

Option 2:

 Leave a comment on this post and tell me which giveaway item you're lusting after the most.    This will enter your name in the drawing once!

Option 3:

Follow E.Leigh's on Twitter here, and then tag us (ELeighsFashion) in a post, and ask your followers to follow us!

This will enter you once!

Until we meet again...
Wishing you light, love, and the best of luck on this Giveaway Monday!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I'm exhausted, y'all...

Because I am beyond exhausted, yet still incredibly busy...I am taking a bloggin' break this week, ladies.  I'm pretty sure I resemble this girl...

Have no fear! I will be back at it next week.

Until we meet again...
Wishing you light, love, and an incredibly restful week!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"What were they thinking?" Wednesday: Where do people get this stuff??

Good morning, my dears!  It is lovely to see you here this morning.  As some of you probably know, Wednesdays just happen to be one of my favorite days of the week.  No, it isn't because it's "hump day." It is because it is one of my favorite blog post days.  Who doesn't like to be able to say snaky things without any repercussions?  If any of you are raising your hands, go ahead and put them down because you wouldn't have shown up here if you didn't love it.  I also share some pretty self-depricating material as well, so I guess that makes it alright.  For example, yesterday I spent the entire day in my office wearing a white v-neck and leggings as pants.  That's right; I committed one of the season's biggest faux pas.  I'm not ashamed.  I happened to be extremely comfortable.  Considering this whole business venture has temporarily turned me into a hermit, I will wear any darn thing I choose.  Who knew starting your own business would be time consuming?

So, for today's post I have found a very inspiring source.  Have you ever seen something god awful in a store and thought, "Who buys this stuff?"  Well, I have thought that MANY times.  Let me fill you in on a little secret.  The first market trip I ever made I finally discovered all of the people who were actually buying this stuff.  You see, market isn't just for the fashion gurus....no, no, no.  It is also for the buyers and owners of the stores that sell the "Who buys this stuff?" stuff.  Yep.  It's true.  All of the ugly stuff on the planet has to come from somewhere...right?  Every day I receive an email or two telling me about some horrible piece from some terrible line.  It's never ending.  So, my friends, these emails are the inspiration for this week's Wednesday post, and boy, oh boy, have I found some beauties for you today.  I hope it makes you happy, because receiving emails with ugly products all week long does not make me happy. Let's take a peek at what people have been trying to sell me this week, shall we?

These must be pants for people that need lots of extra crotch space.  LOTS.

Since faux fur is so in this fall, these are for those clients of mine whose calves get extra cold.  I believe the phrase they used in the email was "boot covers." WOW.

If you know me in the slightest, you know I love a good romper.  However, on the other hand, a bad romper is just...well...bad.  They leave nothing to the imagination, do they?  I think this could be considered slightly offensive. 

When I received this I thought, "Goodness! This looks just like something one of my clients would wear! Who doesn't want a red beaded, fringed cap?!"  
No.  No, that didn't happen. 

I'm am all about the fur movement this year, however these vests should come with a disclaimer:
No english sheepdogs were harmed during the making of these vests.

Ok, I am not a fan of red and black anyways, but what is this?  I don't think they could decide what kind of top they wanted this to be.  Half button down and half bustier? The color, the ruffles, the buttons...it's all just wrong.  Just plain wrong.

Yes, people actually design and sell these atrocities.  The world is a strange place, my friends.  Chew on this for a minute....this doesn't even make a dent in the emails that I receive.  Do not fret, these email solicitations will be making an appearance again. 

Besides being able to poke fun at unsuspecting individuals, I also get to give away free stuff on Wednesdays! 

The winner of the 
$25 E.Leigh's Gift Certificate 

Joanna Sain

Congrats!  Please email me at Sales@ELeighs.com to claim you prize!

Thanks for listening to my utter nonsense today.  I very much appreciate it.  Considering I will be locked in my office for the next two days straight, blogging makes me feel slightly connected to the outside world.   

Until we meet again, my lovelies...
Wishing you light, love, and an inoffensive Wednesday.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Giveaway Monday...we're trying something new today, people.

Ok, so I'm not going to try to pretend to be the most chipper girl in the world this morning.  It just isn't so.  I feel like I could sleep for approximately 20 more hours, however, I do not have the time for those kind of luxuries these days.  The reason I am so tired could be due to the fact that I accidentally partook in a 4 hour nap yesterday.  Therefore, I didn't fall asleep until well after 1AM.

Anyway...that's neither here nor there.

So, this weekend I was catching up on one of my favorite fashion blogs.  She isn't funny or quirky, but she does share with her readers her fabulous little life that involves soirees, mimosas with Tory Burch, and fashion shows....lots of fashion shows.  I know, I guess you don't need funny when you are able to take pictures of a fashion show from your iPhone and post them on your blog.  No, really...she shares some lovely pictures that make my heart skip a beat every time I take a peek. All joking aside.

Here are some photos of the Chadwick Bell Spring rtw 2012 collection.
courtesy of {this is glamour} & her iPhone

Aren't these stunning?
Here is an actual photograph of the last dress in her pictures:
Breathtaking. I know.

All right.  I know you all know what day of the week it is, therefore you are expecting me to pony up some loot.  I'm ok with that. Actually, I love that.  

Before we talk about what I'm giving away, I want to let everyone know that once E.Leigh's reaches 1,000 fans on Facebook, I will be giving away a fall handbag worth over $100.  If any of you feel compelled to share our Facebook page with some friends that you think might take interest in it, I'd be ok with that. Here is the link in case you need it:

So, I was thinking about the Giveaway today, and I couldn't decide what I wanted to give away.  I have come to the conclusion that maybe people would like to pick their own giveaway item?  I don't know.  We'll try it this week and see how it goes.  This week, we are giving away a....

$25 E.Leigh's Gift Certificate!  

This way the winner will be able to use it on whatever her heart desires.  I think freedom can be a really great thing, so here it is.  I'm extending to you freedom on this Giveaway Monday.

In case you are new to the E.Leigh's blog, here is how you enter to win this Gift Certificate: 

1. Make sure you are an E.Leigh's Facebook Fan.  If you are not, you can become a fan here.
2. Tag yourself in the E.Leigh's Giveaway Picture. It will be available on the E.Leigh's fan page.  It will look like this...

**If for some odd reason someone isn't on Facebook, they could also follow the old instructions and leave a comment on this post stating what they would spend their gift certificate on.

You have until Tuesday at midnight (Central Standard Time) to enter to win!

Until we meet again...
Wishing you light, love, and lots of luck!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

"What were they thinking?" Wednesday on a Thursday & the Giveaway Scarf Winner Revealed!

Before any of you begin to judge me, I would like to say that...yes, I am well aware that today isn't hump day and that I completely failed as a blogger and human being yesterday.  Ok, well maybe not totally as a human being, but definitely as a blogger.  As you are well aware, per our previous conversations, I am not perfect.  Actually, no where near it.  I'm not in the ballpark of perfection...not even the general vicinity.  I am not even approaching the exit to perfection.  So, if you're going to stick around for a while, this is something you are going to have to learn to live with.  However, while you are dealing with my imperfection, I will gladly except you for yours.  Now, I can't promise that you won't end up on a "What were they thinking?" Wednesday post in the future.  I haven't a clue as to who some of these people I post are, therefore, I cannot guarantee that it won't be any of you out there in Blogland.  Rest assured that if somehow you do end up the subject of a "What were they thinking?" Wednesday post, it isn't the end of the world.  I mean...come on.  You're talking to the girl who shared her entire kindergarten perm nightmare with the entire World Wide Web.

SO, the purpose of this entirely too long rant is to say, "I'm not ok, you're not ok, but that's ok."  I'm so glad we got that cleared up.  Oh, and I also want to mention that if I want to post a "What were they thinking?" Wednesday post on  a Thursday, I'm going to do it.  Because, this is my blog.  I may not be able to control most things, but as God as my witness I will control what goes on my blog. There. I said it.  You have officially seen the snarky side of E. Leigh.

Let's get started. Shall we?

Ok, I am totally thrilled that they are remaking two of my favorite childhood films...

The 1960 film, Pollyanna...

and Follow that Bird.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the originals are going to be better.  No, really.  What is going on here?

I'm pretty sure a little piece of my soul died looking at this next picture.  My question is...how much fashion tape did it take to achieve this look??

I have absolutely no idea when this picture was taken, and I don't care.  Because, honestly, this look was never ok.  It looks like her closet just threw up on her.  

I love this girl, but I'm pretty sure she looks like she could be making the morning trek back to the freshmen dorm from one of the frat houses. Shack much?

Now let's get on to the good stuff.  The free stuff. 

Before I announce the winner and everyone gets their panties in a tizzy because they weren't the lucky girl, I want to let each and every one of you know that you are now able to purchase your own E.Leigh's Handcrafted Scarf off of our site by clicking HERE

Drumroll please.........

The winner of this fabulous scarf is.....

Allyson Dunn!
Allyson Said...

Congrats!  Send your shipping address to Sales@ELeighs.com so I am able to get you your scarf ASAP.

Until we meet again...
Wishing you light, love, and a lovely Thursday. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Seriously lovin'.... denim shirts

Top of the morning to you, lovely!  While we saw denim shirts make a huge splash this spring, I have news for you ladies, they aren't going anywhere for fall.  So, if you haven't invested in one of these easy, breezy, go-to tops, it is officially now time to do so.

For months, we have been seeing celebrities sporting their denim button downs with shorts, and as crop tops.  Now, we are seeing them with denim, leather shorts, fall skirts, and boots.  They were all over the front row (actually all of the rows) at fashion week.

Sidenote: I know Kelly Cutrone says that if you aren't in the first three rows at a show during Fashion Week you might as well not go.  I have news for you, Ms. Cutrone.  I don't care if I was offered a seat on the lighting service catwalk that's up in the rafters, I'd take it.  They could seriously offer me a seat on someone's lap and I'd be ecstatic. Next year, if you happen to see someone hanging from the rafters (or sitting on some random F-list celebrity's lap) during Fashion Week, it could very well be moi'.  

Kate Moss, front row at Mulberry sporting a denim button down, jeans, boots, and a hat. (You know how I feel about hats!)

Emily Schuman is the writer of the blog, Cupcakes and Cashmere.  She showed up at the Tory Burch show looking completely swoon worthy in her  Club Monaco denim blouse and Miu Miu leather shorts.

Kate Bosworth is completely on trend with this look.  Denim shirt, skinnies, men's style booties, and she tops it off with a top knot.  Yes, please.

Ciara sports hers at the US Open.  I'm loving the layered bracelets with the watch, aren't you?

Now, for those of you gals who may need a little inspiration, I have found a couple of looks to give you just that!

This is my ideal denim shirt look I created on Polyvore. (If you haven't tried to create anything on Polyvore yet, you totally should.  It's so fun.  It actually might be perfect for a boring day at work.  Not that I'm condoning playing on the computer at work or anything like that.  I would never.)

This look I discovered on Pinterest, and I think it falls right in line with the casual, chic look I'm going for this fall.  Although, I would probably add a scarf because I feel the same way about scarves as Paula Deen does about butter.  Everything is better with a scarf. 

Where can you buy a denim button down at a reasonable price, you ask?? Well, look no further because I've done the hard part for you.

Both of these are available at TopShop for less than $42.  Yeah, I know.  It's a total steal.

Click on the picture to take you to the purchase page.

Until we meet again...
Wishing you light, love, and an inspirational day.